1. Instructions and Advice
  2. Student Details
  3. Program and Course Details
  4. Supporting Documents
  5. Student Declaration

When to use this form: If you are currently enrolled in a degree at another Australian institution and wish to undertake a course from UNSW that will count toward your degree at your home institution. If you are planning on applying for any AGSM courses, please contact the Admissions Office via www.enquiry.unsw.edu.au or 9385 3656.

Application deadlines:

  • Summer: 30th November
  • Term 1: 25th January
  • Term 2: 10th May
  • Term 3: 23rd August

Once the application deadline has passed, applicants will no longer to be able to apply for that term. Late applications will not be permitted except in exceptional circumstances.

Application Fee: There is no application fee for this application.

Tuition Fee Information:

Domestic: If you are enrolled as a Commonwealth Supported student at your home institution, you may be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported enrolment at UNSW. If applicable you will be required to provide evidence of your Commonwealth Supported status at your home institution, further information in documents section of this form.

International: All students who are on student visas or other temporary residency visas are considered international students and will be liable for full tuition fees associated with cross institutional enrolment.

Note: Tuition fees will be charged per unit of credit, please refer to the Fees website for more information.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Non-Award & Cross Institutional enrolment in courses offered under the Hexamester calendar is not permitted.
  • The enrolment of a student on a cross institutional basis must be on the provision that sufficient places are available in the course and that the enrolment doesn’t prevent a student in a UNSW award program from enrolling into the course.
  • Cross institutional study must be approved by the student’s home institution.
  • A cross institutional student will not be permitted to enrol in more than 24 units of credit in any one academic year.
  • Applications for non-award cross institutional study must be accompanied by documented approval that the UNSW courses will be accepted for credit to the student’s award program at their home institution.
  • Cross-Institutional enrolment into a course may be permitted provided that the student has appropriate educational qualifications, satisfies the university’s English Language Policy and has met any pre and/or co requisites the course may have. In each case the program authority considers that the student will benefit from the enrolment.