1. Preamble
  2. Student Details
  3. Request Type Details
  4. Recipients
  5. Supporting Documents
  6. Student Declaration
  7. Payment Summary

Important Information You Should Know

  • Please allow 4 weeks from your conferral date for your request to be processed and dispatched.
  • Graduation Documentation WILL NOT be issued to any student who has outstanding debts with the University. Debts include all fees, loans, library fines, housing blocks, COFA blocks, ATAX blocks and equipment.
  • Please note multiple copies of the Testamur cannot be produced
  • Requesting your documentation early does not prevent you from attending a graduation ceremony
  • The Testamur can only be produced once the conferral date has passed – please check your myUNSW graduation details to see your conferral date
  • Your testamur will be sent via Registered Australia Post within Australia and internationally via DHL courier. Items sent via DHL courier will require a postcode and telephone number and cannot be sent to post boxes.
  • Please be aware that if you provide falsified documents to external agencies which misrepresent your qualifications from UNSW, then this could result in one of a range of penalties, from failure in the course or suspension (where applicable), exclusion and/or the matter may be reported to ICAC. As a student, you should be aware of your obligations and responsibilities under the Student Code which can be found here: https://student.unsw.edu.au/conduct.


RecipientMin CopiesMax CopiesCost
To Student (Myself)11$125 for one copy
Processing time

Please allow 20 working days processing time, not including delivery.


I certify that all information, including supporting documentation and certificates, are correct. I hereby authorise the University to contact the professional authority concerned for the purpose of verifying any information he or she supplied. I acknowledge that the University will, where appropriate, advise the relevant Commonwealth government authority of the outcome of this application.


The personal information you provide in this form will be used by UNSW for the primary purpose for which you provided it and for other secondary purposes directly related to that primary purpose. Your personal information will be managed in accordance with the UNSW Privacy Policy https://www.unsw.edu.au/content/dam/pdfs/governance/policy/2022-01-policies/privacypolicy.pdf and the UNSW Student Privacy Statement https://student.unsw.edu.au/privacy.